ところで、右の画像のカメラには、太陽のマークが正面に彫り込まれていますが、ほとんどのモデルは何も彫られていません。でも、何もないとそっけないので、やっぱあった方がいいですね。ちなみに『クラカメ専科』No.43では太陽マークがあるタイプのみ「特許イタリー」と刻まれていて、それ以外は「特許ジャーマニー」となっていると書かれていましたが、ワテの太陽マークのないものには「Pat.Made in Italy」となっています。
The final model of the Sonne series that was produced in the factory of Mr. Gatto Antonio which was in Pordenone of Genoa in 1953. At the beginning (in 1948), they were producing the reference the type "IV" that was the Leica copy model of a square finder cover. The type "V" that appeared on the next stage ('50) was equipped with a slow shutter. Furthermore, the type "C" that equipped with the wide angle finder was produced in '51-'52.
By the way, the slow shutter of this Sonne C4 operates with a very interesting system. The dial that surrounds the shutter button is for a high speed shutter. The small dial that is in the back is for a slow shutter. When use this slow shutter, the high speed dial must be combined to "B". Next, turning a small dial and select a slow shutter number. Pushing the shutter button, then the governor like the self-timer operates. It is the time when slow shutter operates while the governor is operating. Even this small dial turns and returns simultaneously. It is a very interesting system, but will not handy.
The loading of film is easy, because the back cover opens with the hinge. Yet, the experience is necessary when hang film on the spool.